
Performance Improvement Ideas

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"Review of Reallionaire by Farrah Gray."

October 16, 2009 by Mike Strawbridge

Reallionaire is the story of how a poor black child living in the poor part of Chicago become a millionaire before he could legally drive. The book is an entertaining read with good useful action items at the end of each chapter for those who want to copy Farrah’s success.

The story begins with his description of a synchronistic event where several people bought him the movie The Golden child for his birthday. As a young boy he was not too thrilled with the gift but he took the message to heart and accepted the nickname and the quest.

He was introduced to the world of business and finance by his mother who was always his best mentor and supporter. At only six years old, he accompanied his mother to a business meeting. While the results of the meeting were not profitable for his mother, he met a mentor who set him on his life long mission to be a successful businessman.

The book chronicles his early struggles, successes and some of his failures. It also mentions many of the synchronistic events in his life that some might see as luck. But it is obvious that his intense sense of purpose attracted these things to him.

His story is so powerful that it makes you wish your were a poor black child form the ghetto so that you could be a millionaire too. In every chapter Farrah gives some example of how he turned apparent liabilities into sources of success.

I got so caught up in the story that I did not take time to do the exercise at the end of each chapter. Having reviewed them, they seem to offer a concrete step by step process that anyone can follow to become more successful. Even if you happen to be a white man from a wealthy family.

What I like best about the book is that despite his environment and failures, he never once thought of himself as a victim. He made his own breaks, created his own luck and achieved what other people only dream about.

Mike Strawbridge October 16, 2009
